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Health Warriors – New book

Tirzah Hawkins newest book, Overcoming Autoimmune, has hit the marketplace.

The book, released in February, is the first of the Natural Health Warriors series. It talks about uncovering “the hidden causes of chronic illness and how to heal them 100 percent naturally.” It is available from Stayton Vital Health in paperback or on Amazon as an e-book or paperback. 

“My reasons for writing this book were two-fold,” said Hawkins, owner of Stayton Vital Health. “First, I was very sick from when I was a child until I was in my mid-20s. I had lots of allergies and infections as a child and was frequently on antibiotics. 

“As a teenager, I was diagnosed with depression,” she added. “Shortly after, I started suffering from severe fatigue. I had difficulty getting out of bed even after 10 hours of sleep. Shortly after I was married I started suffering from fibromyalgia and other chronic pain issues. I dealt with severe anxiety. I tried many different medications, and they only seemed to make things worse, never better.”

After researching and using natural health solutions, Hawkins said she became the healthiest she had ever been.

“I no longer suffer from depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, allergies, frequent infections, or chronic fatigue,” she said. 

Secondly, Hawkins noticed that “too many people just chase symptoms and never address the actual cause of their health problems.”

After she purchased Stayton Vital Health four years ago, Hawkins noticed that she was having the exact same conversation with anyone who was serious about eliminating their health issues. 

“I spent the first eight hours with any client going over the exact same information and eventually decided to just include that information in an easy-to-read book,” she said. “As soon as I finished the first book, I realized there was much more I could tell people about how to improve their health.”

Hawkins is planning to pen several books in the Overcoming Autoimmune series, each with its own companion workbook to help readers apply what they learn. An online componet will offer videos and access to other resources: She said questions can be directed to her Facebook group Overcoming Autoimmune The Book. 

“Your body was made to heal itself,” Hawkins said. “It just needs your cooperation and attention… It’s up to us to supply the necessary components and environment that our body needs in order for it to heal and support our health.”

Hawkins lives in Aumsville with her husband, Daniel, and their two dogs and two cats.

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